What to expect

Your First Visit

Church can be an intimidating place to visit for the first time. What is it like behind those doors? Do they believe and practice what I am comfortable with? Do I want to go to a place I am comfortable with or where I am challenged to be better?

This section of the web is designed to give you a glimpse into what it is like to walk through the doors during a typical service.

Circle Website Video Draft 3 (Vimeo Upload) from Jeremiah Leslie on Vimeo.

If you’re new . . .

…thank you for taking the time to view our site. We want to invite you to visit a Sunday gathering any time, so that we can get to know you. The following information describes what goes on at our assembly on Sunday morning so that you can know what to expect. In part, it is a guide to help guests participate as well as a brief explanation of why we do what we do. Circle Church is: “A circle open to YOU!”

By the way, you’ll find the “dress code” ranging from casual to formal depending on whatever a person prefers. From our point of view, “it’s not what you wear, it’s just that you’re there.”

Worship Singing: We rejoice in the opportunity to praise God and encourage one another with song. Because we sing a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment), as the earliest Christian churches sang, we especially value the participation of everyone. You are welcome to join in or simply sit and enjoy the music. “Hymns” can be found in the red book, while “Songs” are in the smaller blue one.

Prayer: This is an opportunity for us to voice our thoughts to God. You may write prayer requests on a Fellowship Card which will be collected at the beginning of the service. One of our Elders will present these specific requests to God during the “Pastoral Prayer.” You are welcome to reflect on the thoughts of the prayers and silently speak to God.

Lord’s Supper: This is a weekly time of remembering Christ’s death on the cross.The bread symbolizes the body of Christ and the fruit of the vine symbolizes Jesus’ blood. Participation is intended for baptized believers, but is open to anyone.

Offering: We give of our money to express honor to God and trust in his provision.  Guests are not expected to make a donation.

Kid’s Time: During the preaching, children age 3 through 3rd grade may go to the basement for age-appropriate singing, learning, and crafts. Please pick up your child right after the service. If you prefer, you may keep your child with you.

Hearing God’s Word: At this time, we listen to the Bible proclaimed and explained so that we can live by God’s Word. You are invited to listen or take notes, then apply God’s truth in your life.

Response Time: After the sermon, if you would like to be baptized or prayed for by our church, you are invited to walk to the front row and speak with one of our Elders.